2020年8月1日 星期六

英文Grammar系列: Number of Noun


1. The yellow dog.
2. An old cock.
3. An  honest old servant.
4. The rich merchant and the poor farmer.
5. A useful book and an interesting news.
6. A white horse and a yellow cow.
7. The tall tree and the red flower.
8. An old woman, a young girl and a short man.
9. The new pen and the old book.
10. A kind old man and a cruel youth. 
唔知大家做得啱唔啱呢, 接住落嚟我哋講下一個topic---Number of Noun

Number of Noun 


例如在 a pen, a boy 中,pen 和 boy 都是單數名詞。
例如在 two pencils, four dogs 中,pencils 和 dogs 都是複數

1. 一般來說,在單數名詞後加"s",可轉為複數名詞。
   例如:pupil-pupils, book-books, teacher-teachers。

2. 以"s" "ss" "x" "ch" "sh"收尾的單數名詞,在後面加"es",
   例如:bus-buses, class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches,

3. 以"f"或"fe"收尾的單數名詞,通常把"f"或"fe"改為"v",再加
   例如:wife-wives, wolf-wolves。
   但有例外,如:chief-chiefs, roof-roofs, proof-proofs。
4. 以"y"收尾的單數名詞,如果"y"之前的字母發元音,則加"s",
   例如:boy-boys, toy-toys, monkey-monkeys。
   例如:city-cities, lady-ladies, fly-flies。

5. 以"o"收尾的單數名詞,如果"o"之前的字母發元音,則加"s",
   例如:bamboo-bamboos, radio-radios。
   例如:potato-potatoes, cargo-cargoes。
   但有例外,如:photo-photos, piano-pianos。

6. 有些單數名詞轉為複數名詞,沒有一定規則。
   例如:man-men, woman-women, child-children, ox-oxen,

7. 有些單數名詞轉為複數名詞,沒有變化。
   例如:deer-deer, fish-fish,* dozen-dozen。

  * fishes不是指兩條或以上的魚,而是指魚的種類有兩種或以上。



1. 這四隻白鹿和二頭黑牛。
2. 一個年輕人和兩個老年人。
3. 一個婦人、一個老人和一隻羊。
4. 一隻大鹿、三隻老牛和四匹白馬。
5. 兩個小城和三棵高樹。
6. 五個仁慈的老師和十個好學生。
7. 七個小孩、兩個商人和五個農夫。
8. 八個英雄和兩個勇敢的黑人。
9. 九隻蒼蠅、六隻虱和四隻蟻。
10. 這三隻玻璃杯和這五個錶。

答案下期提供, 再見!! ^^

英文Grammar系列: Adjective of Quality


1. The chicken and the ox.
2. A woman and a mouse.
3. A dish, an egg and a chicken.
4. John and a teacher.
5. A lion, a dog and a cat.
6. Japan or France.
7. A ship and a train.
8. The man, the woman and the boy.
9. The girl, the boy and Mary.
10. An arm, an eye and a nose.
唔知大家做得啱唔啱呢, 接住落嚟我哋講下一個topic---Adjective of Quality

Adjective of Quality

在英文的十類單詞中,其中一類是形容詞 Adjective。

形容詞有多種,其中一種是性質形容詞 Adjective of Quality。

例如:kind, cruel, small, big, tall, green, red。

例如:a tall boy, a beautiful girl, an interesting book,
a kind man, 。

要決定於名詞之前用 "a"還是用"an",辦法是看看那名詞是以元音
決定用"a"還是用"an" 呢?那就要視乎該形容詞是以元音還是以輔
例如:a man, an old man, an apple, a red apple。



1. 這隻黃狗。
2. 一隻老公雞。
3. 一個誠實的老僕人。
4. 這個富商和這個貧農。
5. 一本有用的書和一件有趣的新聞。
6. 一匹白馬和一頭黃牛。
7. 這棵高樹和這朵紅花。
8. 一個老婦、一個少女和一個矮人。
9. 這支新筆和這本舊書。
10. 一個仁慈的老人和一個兇惡的少年。

答案下期提供, 再見!! ^^

2020年7月30日 星期四

英文Grammar系列: Individual Noun, Article & Proper Noun


未來8月份將分享一系列grammar notes


Individual Noun, Article & Proper Noun

Individual Noun

英文單詞可分十類,其中一類是名詞 Noun 什麼是名詞?
名詞是指稱事物的詞。 名詞有多種,其中一種是個體名詞 Individual Noun 
例如:man, woman, boy,

girl, train, mountain, clock, tree, ship, horse, cat, dog, hammer, nail


1. 有單數和複數之分﹝複數不等於雙數,複數是多於一的數目,

雙數是246810等數目,兩者不可混為一談﹞。 例如在 a boy, a dog, a pencil 中,

boy, dog, pencil 都是 單數的個體名詞。在 two dogs, three cats, four girls 中,

dogs, cats, girls 都是複數的個體名詞。

2. 通常,在單數的個體名詞前要加冠詞 *

例如:Dog runs. 錯了!因為 Dog 是單數的個體名詞,前面應 加冠詞。

A dog runs. The dog runs.才對。 "A""The"都是冠詞。 

* 例外情況如:this dog


在英文的十類單詞中,冠詞 Article 是另一類。



1. 定冠詞 Definite Article:幫助說明該名詞所指稱的事物是特定的。定冠詞只有一個:"the"

2. 不定冠詞 Indefinite Article:幫助說明該名詞所指稱的事物不是特定的。不定冠詞有兩個:"a""an"



a. 如果個體名詞所指稱的個體是特定的,則加定冠詞"the"

"the"有四解:this﹝這個﹞、that﹝那個﹞、these﹝這些﹞、  those﹝那個﹞。

例如:The dog runs. ﹝意指這隻狗或那隻狗跑。﹞

                                                     The dogs run. ﹝意指這些狗或那些狗跑。﹞

b. 如果個體名詞所指稱的個體只是一般而不是特定的,則加不定冠"a""an"

例如:A child needs love.



i. 以元音作為發音開始的詞,前面用"an"

例如:an apple, an officer, an ice-cream

ii. 以輔音作為發音開始的詞,前面用"a"

例如:a dog, a boy, a cat, a pen




1. 以元音字母﹝AEIOU﹞開始的詞,多以元音作為發音的開始。

但有例外,如:university,uniform,one-eyed dog 等。

2. 以非元音字母開始的詞,多以輔音作為發音的開始。

但有例外,如:hour, honour 等。

Proper Noun

另一種名詞是專有名詞 Proper Noun


例如:China, Germany, Hong Kong, George Washington


1. 沒有複數;

2. 前面不加冠詞;

3. 第一個字母要大寫。



1. 這隻小雞和這頭牛。

2. 一個婦人和一隻老鼠。

3. 一隻碟、一隻蛋和一隻小雞。

4. John 和一個教師。

5. 一隻獅子、一隻狗和一隻貓。

6. 日本或法國。

7. 一艘船和一列火車。

8. 這個男子、這個婦人和這個男孩。

9. 這個女孩、這個男孩和 Mary

10. 一條臂膀、一隻眼睛和一個鼻子。

2013年7月22日 星期一

分享英文小組討論38個屈機秘笈--- Part 3

到Part 3喇,繼續繼續!

Skill 22.      Ask for clarification (要求澄清)

78.  If I understand you correctly, you're saying that…

79.  May you be simpler about what you have just said?

80.  Could you explain your idea further?

81.  Could you elaborate your point/ idea?

82.  Pardon me, but are you really certain about it?

83.  Do you mean to say [drug abuse are common among artists]?

84.  Hang on! What are you talking about?

85.  I’m sorry. What’s the meaning of…?

Skill 23.      Clarifying (自我澄清)

86.  What I mean is…

87.  What I’m trying to say is…

88.  Let me put you in the picture. (讓我把情況告訴你)

89.  What / All I’m trying to say is that…

90.  I was merely stating the fact that…

91.  I was just making the suggestion that…

92.  To put it simple, I mean…

93.  I’m sorry I haven’t made myself clear. My point is…

94.  Let me put it another way / Let me explain it in another way / To put it another way / To put it in other words, I’m saying that…

95.  Sorry, I think I was wrong to say…

96.  I said, could [social workers give students a hand (幫助)]?

Skill 24.      Avoid awkward silence (打破冷場)

97.  Let’s be more outspoken / active.

98.  Time is running short. Should we say something about…

Skill 25.      Add a point to what you / others said (給自己或別人之前的話添加論點)

99.  Let’s go back to the point of [Mr. Chan]. I would like to add something here.

100.  Before jumping to a conclusion, I would like to say something more about…
Skill 26.      Interim summing up (小結,但非總結)

101.  So we all agree that…

102.  It seems we all think that…
Skill 27.      Prevent digression (say so only when you are sure that a member has side-tracked)(阻止離題)

1.      I’m afraid we are a bit off the point here. We are discussing…, rather than…

2.      Our discussion is going off track, let return to the subject of …

3.      Hang on, can we stick with that point about [property hegemony (地產霸權)]?

4.      Excuse me, [Mr. Chan], that is an interesting point, but I am afraid that we are getting off the topic of [Christmas Party].

5.      I’m sorry. I think we have to return to the topic of [the advantages of abolishing school uniform].

6.      An interesting point, but we are talking about [unethical business practices], I think it will be great to…

7.          I think we're going around in circles now. Today’s topic is…

8.      This would be some sidetracking from the topic although it might be a good point which deserve our attention after discussion. Today’s topic is… 

9.      Excuse me. I’m afraid we have gone off the topic. We should be discussing… Shall we go back to the point?

10.  [Mr. Chan], I am afraid we’re not talking on the right track here / talking about the right thing here.

11.  I see what you mean but I think we should stick to the topic at hand.

12.  That is all well said but it would be better if we limit out discussion to the given topic.

13.  I understand your point but I do not find a link between what you say and our given topic. Could you please return to the main point?

14.  That is not the main point under discussion. Let’s now come to the main topic.

15.  I’m sorry. You are a little bit off the topic / off the track. You mention A, but we are talking about B. Do you feel the same?’

Skill 28.      Go to the next topic (下一話題)

16.  Let’s move on to…?

17.  Let's go ahead to the next point, which is ...

18.  It seems that all of us have voiced our opinions / given our views on this topic. Shall we move on to the next one, which is [how Hong Kong society views people with tattoos / read out the next point]?

19.  So if we agree about this topic, let's look at the next one, which is…

20.  Do you mind if we move on to the next point, which is…

21.  Okay, should we move along to next item?

22.  Well what’s the next thing we have to decide?

23.  Well, let’s move on to another point now, shall we?

Skill 29.      Stop members from repeating the same point (叫停重復論點)

24.  Right, I think we’ve covered that point already.

25.  I’m afraid we are repeating our arguments.

26.  I’m afraid we’ve said enough about that.

27.  Let’s move on to another area. It seems that we have discussed this in full already.

Skill 30.      Challenge others (質疑別人)

28.  Your suggestion sounds good, but have you considered its feasibility?

Skill 31.      Refrain from arguing (克制、退卻、免吵)

29.  Excuse me, there’s no point in arguing. We should try to reach an agreement on…

30.  As time is running short, let’s not argue over this point. We’d better discuss…

31.  Hang on. I think you two have all you say. Shall we listen to [Mr. Chan]’s idea?

Skill 32.      Interrupt / interfere (打斷/介入)

32.  Good point, [Miss Chan], what do you think about [inviting a teacher to act as our M.C.]? (The secret is to agree with the dominant candidates first and then redirect the conversation to another candidate or the group.)

33.  [Mr. Chan], I agree with your point about [budgeting] but what does the rest of the group think? (Interrupt, and ask other members to state their views.)

34.  Sorry to interrupt, but...(interrupt, and then speak yourself)

35.  Can I come in at this point?

36.  Excuse me, may I say something

37.  I’m sorry, sorry to interrupt. Not bad of your idea but I’ve an alternative idea. That is…

38.  Sorry for interrupting you, but you seem to digress. Our topic is concerned with…

39.  Could I add something to what you said about…

Skill 33.      Move the discussion along when an aggressive member tries to take too much time and monopolize the discussion (制止一人佔用太多時間)

40.  Thank you [Mr. Chan]. Your idea is really good, but other members are also eager to state their views, could you please give them a chance to speak? 

Skill 34.      Defend against interruption / interference (不讓打斷/介入) 

41.  Excuse me, Mr. Wong, we are here not to argue / debate / compete, but to complete a task / solve a common problem / work out our ideas together. Would you please let me finish my point first?

42.  Excuse me, could I just finish this point first? And I would try to be as brief as possible.

43.  Would you just let me make my whole point first, please?

44.  Sorry…but may I finish my point first?

Skill 35.      Return to your point after being interrupted / interfered (被人打斷/介入之重回本身論點再談)

45.  As I was saying…

46.  To return to / go back to my point…

47.  Where was I? Oh yes, I was talking about.

Skill 36.      About to conclude (快將總結)

48.  Does anyone want to contribute before we wrap up the discussion?

49.  As the time is going to be over, should we make a conclusion on the points of our discussion?

50.  It seems that we don’t have any more ideas to contribute but I would really like to do a summary of the discussion. May I?

Skill 37.      Pre-empt a conclusion (指人過早總結)

51.  Excuse me, before we conclude, may I say something about… first?

52.  Would you mind if I finish my point before we sum up?

Skill 38.      Complete discussion (完成討論)

53.  So, to conclude…

54.  To sum up then, …

55.  We have got three ideas in all…

56.  In brief, they…

57.  In short, we…

58.  It seems we’ve finished our task / discussion, and we can stop here.

59.  That’s all we have discussed today. Thank you everyone.

60.  We have finished our discussion. Thank you everybody. 


2013年7月21日 星期日

分享英文小組討論38個屈機秘笈--- Part 2


Skill 10.      How to express disagreement and why (表示不同意,並解釋理由)

85.  Important: Calmly express your opinion and respect the other member’s opinion all the while. Use expressions which soften the contradictory opinion you are giving (先揚後抑;先
禮後兵), and give a reason why you disagree. (講道理)

86.  Yes, but… (‘English is difficult.’ ‘Yesbut it’s not so difficult as German.’)

87.  I take / see your point, but…

88.  I am afraid I can’t agree because…

89.  I’m afraid not. There is a point which I should mention.

90.  The problem with that is…

91.  The way I see it is…

92.  I'm against it because…

93.  Instead, I think that…

94.  Actually, I find that…

95.  I’m not sure I quite agree, because…

96.  Yes, perhaps, but I think…

97.  Well, yours is not a bad idea, but I am sorry I can’t agree with you that…

98.  I agree in part / to some extent but…

99.  Well, that might work but…

100.  Okay, I see your point. But surely you'll admit that…

101.  I see what you mean, but many people may not, because….

102.  I see what you mean but I have to say ‘no’ to that because…. /but I don’t think…

103.  I see your point but I have another idea.

104.  That’s not a very good idea.

105.  I think we should… (indirect disagreement)

106.  Perhaps we could consider an alternative solution. (indirect disagreement)

107.  We could… (indirect disagreement)

108.  How about…(indirect disagreement)

109.  What about…(indirect disagreement)

110.  Is that really necessary? (indirect disagreement)

111.  One solution may be…(indirect disagreement)

112.  It’s not an entirely correct thing to do actually.

113.  Personally, I feel that might be a bit unnecessary. 

Skill 11.      Respond to challenge (回應質疑)

114.  You may ask for details by saying: (i) Why do you say that, [Mr. Wong]?  (ii) Could you be more specific?  (iii) What’s there about [going on picnic on a holiday] that you don’t like?

115.  You may ask for confirmation by saying: ‘Are you saying that I have left out an important point, which is…?’ 

116.  You may insist by saying: ‘It’s not a bad idea having regard to all circumstances. Why don’t we give it a try?’ 

117.  J Occasionally, you will find that what you thought to be criticism really isn’t!

Skill 12.      Circumvent (避而不答)

118.  Thank you for your question. In general, I see your point. In addition, I believe that… How about you?
Skill 13.          Change your standpoint (改變立場,策畧退卻)

1.      Yes, I guess you could be right.

2.      Yes, you have a point on…

3.      I’m not sure about that. / I can’t be certain about it.

4.      I can’t say for certain.  / I can’t say with any certainty about it.

5.      Actually, your idea is better. So, why don’t we…?

6.      Perhaps you’re right. I’m too pessimistic / ignorant to say / believe that…

7.      (It’s) hard to tell.  It could be…

8.      I can’t make up some mind.

9.      I’m in two minds about [which method to use].

10.  On my second thought, I will follow your idea

11.  I have to agree with you on… but I think I am right in saying that… (退卻一半)

Skill 14.          Query or ask for details (質疑;問詳細資料)

12.  Why do you say that?

13.  What good is [the freedom of media] supposed to do?

14.  That was a fascinating idea you give us. Tell me, [Mr. Cheung], why do you think [people like to read magazines just for juicy gossip]?

Skill 15.          Ask for repetition (請人重說)

15.  (I'm) sorry? (I) (beg your) pardon?

16.  Sorry, could you possibly repeat what you said?

17.  Excuse me, could you please repeat that (for me) / say that again?

18.  Sorry/I’m sorry, would you mind saying it/that again / repeating it/that? 

19.  I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch what you said. Could you repeat it?

20.  Hang on. / Just a minute, please say it / that again.

21.  I’m sorry, [Miss Chan]. Do you mean (that)…?

22.  If I understand you rightly, do you mean that we should…?

23.  If I get you right, do you mean we shouldn’t…?

24.  Sorry, would you mind speaking a bit slower?

25.  Sorry, can / could you repeat it more loudly? I’m afraid we can’t hear you clearly.

26.  Sorry, did you say…?

Skill 16.          Correct members’ mistakes politely (禮貌改正別人錯處)

27.  Sorry, that’s not correct.

28.  The way isn’t right, is it?

29.  I think it might be more accurate/correct to say that [drunk driving (醉駕) causes many car accident] .

30.  Well, actually / as a matter of fact, [Hong Kong Island lies to the south of Kowloon].

31.  I’m sorry, [Miss Chan]. It might not be correct to say… because…

32.  Sorry, I’m afraid it’s not suitable to say…

33.  I’ve to say that/I’m afraid that it’s not quite right.

34.  It doesn’t correct to say/suppose that [teenagers have no choice but to abuse drugs].

35.  Wouldn’t it be better to say… because…

36.  [Miss Chan], I suppose you’re mistaken there.

37.  If I may say so, the choice is incorrect / it’s actually not the case / you’re wrong there.

38.  Pardon me, [Mr. Chan]. I’m afraid you’re wrong in saying that… In fact, don’t you think it’s better to…?

Skill 17.          Correct your own mistakes (糾正自己錯處)

39.  My mistake.

40.  I must apologize for what I’ve said.

41.  If I may correct myself, I don’t think that [capital punishment is justified].

42.  I’m sorry… I’m afraid I was wrong to say so. In fact, thinking about it, it is better…

43.  I didn’t mean it that way.

44.  I think I got that wrong. What I meant to say was…

45.  I’m sorry that I’ve just made a mistake. Actually, it should be…

Skill 18.          Take up a point (接談話題)

46.  On the subject of investment/music, people nowadays …

47.  About [the property prices of Hong Kong], I think [they are so high that many of us cannot afford a comfortable home].

48.  That reminds me of [the time I went camping with my friends, and we waited at different locations because of poor coordination].

49.  Sorry to butt in (插嘴), but did I hear you say that [Hong Kong and Guangdong should have economic communion (經濟共融), will Hong Kong’s competitive advantage become blurred by such communion (經濟共融會令香港的競爭優勢模糊嗎)]?

Skill 19.      When asked a question, and you have no idea (無點子) or think the question is not appropriate (認為問題不應問)

50.  I’m sorry. I have no idea at this moment.

51.  I don’t have much to say.

52.  I know too much about this… (Alternatively, you may summarize or paraphrase the points of your partner(s) and say if you agree or not, and why. (你為何會agree/disagree?不是有新point說了嗎?)

53.  I would like to hold my comments for the time being. [Mr. Tang] seems to have something to say on this point. [Mr. Tang], would you share your ideas with us?

54.  Thank you for asking me, [Miss Cheung], but perhaps we should focus on the question of [what qualities make a person successful at this stage].

Skill 20.      Get passive members involved (鼓勵投入)

55.  [Miss Lee], do you agree with the idea of [organizing a music party]? (Ask a weaker candidate a yes / no question)

56.  [Miss Lee], do you think we should organize [a picnic or a party]? (Ask a weaker candidate to choose between two options)

57.  [Miss Lee], what do you think about [organizing a music party]? (Ask a weaker candidate for views on a point)

58.  Excuse me. Perhaps we should hear [Mr. Chan]’s opinion. [Mr. Chan], what do you think about…

59.  [Miss Chan], do you think the idea will work?

60.  [Miss Chan], can I ask if you would agree that [the competitive strengths of Hong Kong are deteriorating (香港的競爭力正在轉差)]?

61.  [Miss Chan], would you like to say a few words on…?

62.  [Mr. Chan], we haven’t heard from you yet. What’s your opinion on…? 

63.  [Mr. Chan], you agree with me, wouldn’t you?

64.  Would anyone care to comment?

65.  Let us, I mean all of us, take part in the discussion.

66.  Which one do you prefer? X or Y?

67.  Mr. Chan, do you have any comment on my idea?

Skill 21.      Have I expressed myself clearly (我有清楚表達自己嗎?)

68.  Do you get me?

69.  Ok so far?

70.  Do you see my point?

71.  Have I made my point clear? /Have I made myself clear?

72.  If there ‘s anything you are still not clear about, please let me know.

73.  Do you see / know /get what I mean?

74.  Are you with me?

75.  Do you follow me? / Are you following me? (你明白我的話嗎?)

76.  Does it make sense to you?77.  Does that seem to make sense?
